
Angelite to Enhance Angelic Connection & Sound Healing


Angelite Healing Crystal Meaning

Angelite raises our consciousness to connect with our Angels, expand your crown & third eye chakra, and enhance our experiences with sound healing. This is a loving, expansive stone that reminds us we are not alone in the Universe, but surrounded by unconditional love.

This dreamy blue stone encourages kindness and helps transmute prejudice and hate. In situations where backstabbing, infighting and cliquishness arise, it ca lift the overall energy and remind all in it’s vicinity to their true spiritual nature.

An excellent stone to keep nearby when performing or receiving sound healing as it allows the etheric and physical body to more easily accept the healing vibrations these modalities provide. As it opens us up to higher realms, it provides a field of spiritual protection and transmutes feelings that can cause us to feel separate from Source.

This can be an excellent choice to place in the room of a child with night terrors (of course, out of reach as it presents a choking hazard).

If this stone interests you, check out celestite and rainbow moonstone. You may also enjoy a distance Integrated Energy Therapy session.

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In addition to sound healing, this is a wonderful stone for those who practice or enjoy receiving Integrated Energy Therapy.

Your piece will be chosen intuitively. Please expect some variation in color, size and shape. 


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