

The Tarot for July: All 12 Astrological Signs

Brace yourself for a month of cosmic revelations and profound transformation! July’s Tarot readings for all 12 astrological signs will help you unravel the secrets that lie within your unique celestial path.

July is jam packed with opportunities and big decisions that will create lasting change and align you with your long-term goals. It provides both clarity and the invitation to refine your thoughts, actions & commitments. To learn more about how these energies specifically impact you, check out these brief summaries for your SUN, MOON and RISING SIGNS (if you happen to know all three) and watch the corresponding videos on my YouTube Channel.

Tarot for July 2023: By the Signs

Virgo: Prioritize What Matters Most – Your guides whisper messages of abundance and happiness, signaling that you are on the right path towards building the life you desire. This month, be mindful that the most prolific gardens require a substantial amount of weeding. As you enjoy the materialization of your efforts, release what no longer serves you and redirect that attention to what does. Learn more…

Sagittarius: Hustle or Harmony? The Choice is Yours! – Brace yourself for a month filled with mystical revelations and empowered decision-making. While you will have access to profound clarity & synchronistic partnerships, the challenge lies in maintaining balance while juggling multiple tasks. Learn more…

Libra: How To Break Through Decision Paralysis – July brings a  whirlwind of youthful energy, news and new perspectives with the page of Wands. However, a daunting challenge arrives as you struggle to make crucial decisions and face internal conflicts. With effort, you can break free from indecision and embrace a month filled with hope, intuition, and cherished relationships. more on that…

Capricorn: Making Decisions for a Balanced Future – Prepare to navigate choppy waters as you steer your own destiny towards calmer shores, leaving behind what no longer serves you. You face a challenge / opportunity to redefine balance in your life. Get ready to embrace this transformative adventure as you sculpt a future that aligns with your deepest desires. Some additional guidance…

Gemini: Healing Opportunities Abound – This month, spiritual and personal growth take center stage. As emotional pain surfaces you may struggle to understand where it’s rooted and how it is impacting your thoughts and actions. Seeking outside guidance from a logical perspective may help you to heal and feel more whole. Make the most of it…

Taurus: Bringing Big Plans to Life – There’s a spotlight on decision-making this month and fear of moving forward won’t help your cause. Use this is a month to reconcile worries, embrace your true desires and make balanced, empowered decisions. Learn more…

Cancer: Inner Harmony Through Play & Self-Care – This month reflect on your values, prioritize self-care, and strengthen your important relationships. By finding a balance between passion and restraint you can navigate July with grace and renewed clarity. Be sure to reflect on your core values and how (or if) they align with your actions, making adjustments where needed. Remember to enjoy the journey, indulge in self-care, and make time for the meaningful connections that bring fulfillment. See more…

Aries: Massive Potential for Success & Healing – Embrace this burst of energy and abundance, double down on what’s working, and seize opportunities to make things even bigger and better. Facing fears and worries head-on is crucial for personal growth. Be sure to spend some time in self-reflection and don’t shy away from making changes where needed. See full video 

Pisces: Big Changes, Timely Decisions & Powerful Wisdom – July brings big changes, timely decisions, and powerful wisdom your way. Self-discipline and a little confidence can help you step into the driver’s seat of your destiny. Embrace the transformative energy of this month and unlock your path to success! More…

Scorpio: If It Catches Fire Let It Burn – The month you will experience a strong connection to spiritual teachings and wisdom, setting you up for a new chapter in your life. Embrace this journey of non-attachment, spiritual growth, personal integrity, and fearless release. While it may seem daunting, your efforts will herald in a joyous pursuit of newfound freedom and life-changing opportunities soon to come. See all the details here…

Aquarius: Your Intuition is Key This Month – The World card signals the culmination of your hard work, while the Two of Cups hints at harmonious connections waiting to be forged. The challenge lies in embracing your intuition, as the High Priestess urges you to trust your inner guidance. See your full reading here…

Leo: Massive Opportunities! Focus Your Mind & Ground Your Energy – This month, the focus is on your ability to manifest and create as The Magician takes center stage. Your biggest challenge is to remain focused and avoid the temptations of escapism and apathy. Discipline, planning & grounding will propel you forward and make the most of this incredible energy! More…

Checked out your Tarot for July videos and still want more guidance? Schedule a Tarot Reading with me

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