
Many of my clients, students and friends have heard me speak of my dear friend Mel and how her gifts have impacted my life.
I’m extremely excited to announce that she will be seeing clients at Learn Reiki Philadelphia this Saturday 11/21…and on a sliding pay scale. Mel helps each person she works with receive guidance, healing and assistance to move more deeply into their soul’s purpose in this life. Each session is tailored to the individual and include an evaluation and healing of the chakra system.

chakras-310119_640The session may include any of the following:

  • Karmic healing
  • Ancestral Healing
  • Spirit work
  • Removal of energy blockages that impede growth or purpose
  • Cutting of chords or ties to others
  • Past Life Healing
  • Healing and rebalancing for a specific relationship or person (both those who are in body and those are in spirit/passed on)
  • Connecting to personal guidance (spirit guides, angels, spirit animal, Arch Angels etc)

You can also focus your session on learning how to use your own personal intuitive gifts, develop energetic protections or cultivate healthy energetic boundaries for intuitive work.

Intuitive Reading and Healing Individual Session Cost: $65-90 (sliding scale)

If you would like to know more or schedule a session, give me a call at 267-571-WELL

Mel will also be leading the IET 7 Steps to Transformation course next month. This 2 day class is a great way to connect to your healing angel (whether you already know who they are or not)!  You can learn more about that class here


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